Key trends
Outdoor experiences and activities have evolved significantly over the last number of years, both globally and in Northern Ireland.

Colin Glen, Belfast
For further guidance visit our Build Your Business section, some of the key points are summarised below.
Consumers are behaving more sustainably as outlined in a recent Deloitte report and this is being reflected in our travel and tourism choices. This has particular relevance for outdoor experiences as it is fundamental that we protect the landscape to which we are trying to connect with. However, sustainability goes beyond protection of the local landscape – it is also important to consider the impact on the local community and connection to local businesses. A sustainable approach can be a key component of an experience - Growing Greener Tourism Experiences Together provides a guide to help identify ways to make your business or experiences more sustainable.
Less (adrenaline) is more
Often the perception of outdoor experiences is that of high-adrenaline action. However, ‘soft adventure’ is and continues to be forecast as the largest area of demand globally. Soft Adventures are those with less associated risk where the participants require little to no prior experience and training – boat trips, walking tours, electric biking are just some examples.