Facebook Events
Using Facebook Events makes it easy for people to attend your occasion, with all the information they need completely accessible in one place. This feature can help you set up an event, reach your audience, increase attendance and sell tickets.

Tips for creating an event
- Give your event a unique name to make it stand out and easily remembered
- Write a clear and thorough description (e.g. pricing, special guest, schedule etc)
- Add a Facebook-recognised venue to tag as the location helps build credibility and recognition
- Use an eye-catching event photo
- Set an end time - otherwise Facebook automatically sets the event as three hours long, which can be inconvenient for guests if incorrect.
- Create a sense of urgency to spur responses and engagements
How can tourism businesses use Facebook Events?
Businesses should take advantage of the cost-effective promotion of creating Events on Facebook as it is a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods. This makes it ideal for small to medium businesses with a limited marketing budget.
You can use Events to:
- Post updates and polls to get feedback from members (e.g. countdown to the event, excitement scale from 1-10, outfit ideas etc)
- Post behind the scenes videos (e.g. sneak peak of venue, stage set-up, rehearsals, mic-testing etc)
- Broadcast the event itself by going Live on the page to show those not in attendance what they missed.