Here to help
There are a range of organisations that can help you develop your experience and bring it to market.

Glenarm Estate E-bikes
Responsible for the development of tourism and the marketing of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination to domestic tourists, from within Northern Ireland, and to visitors from the Republic of Ireland.
Responsible for engaging with trade to promote the island of Ireland to overseas markets via a range of industry opportunities.
Ireland’s Association for Adventure Travel
An independent representative association for the adventure tourism sector on the island of Ireland.
Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland
A not-for-profit organisation well placed to advise of the development of outdoor places.
Association of Leading Visitor Attractions
A membership organisation who through our events, benchmarking services and the sharing of information, insights and experience help our members continually improve their visitor experience and offering.
A membership organisation providing workshops, webinars and guidance to provide a consistent approach to the management of visitor risk at historic buildings and landscapes.