14 Mar 2023
Leaner and Greener – Food Waste Webinar
Reducing Food Waste & Saving Money - This webinar, delivered by Danielle McCormick from Triterra, discovered more about the impacts of food waste on your business.

The Hospitality and Food Sector across the UK (including NI) wastes approx. 1.1 million tonnes of food per year, costing the industry a shocking £3.2 billion each year, with 75% of that food being perfectly edible.
Not only is this severely impacting the bottom line of businesses across the region, especially during these difficult financial times, but is releasing enough greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere that make it the third largest emitter of GHG after China and the US.
This webinar, delivered by Danielle McCormick from Triterra, discovered more about the impacts of food waste on your business, the business case behind why you should get onboard with curbing food wasted from your business, and how you can take simple actions that can result in major wins.
This webinar is being delivered as part of the Tourism Enterprise Development (TED) Programme 2023 and is open to all in the NI Tourism & Hospitality Industry.
If you missed this webinar, you can view the recording below: