02 Feb 2021
Broadband competition for event venues: round two
Today the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport are launching round 2 of the broadband competition for event venues.
As part of the Tourism Sector Deal and the UK Government’s International Business Events Action Plan, DCMS launched a new scheme in August 2019 to improve broadband connectivity in event venues, enabling them to receive full fibre access. The second round of the broadband competition for event venues is now open until 2 March 2021.
This round is open to event venues with a minimum capacity of 250 delegates. They are also allowing venues to demonstrate involvement in plans to bid for international events in the next five years, rather than the next year only (which was required during the first round of the competition). Applicants who applied for first round funding but were not successful and now feel they meet the new eligibility criteria are welcome to apply for second round funding by submitting a new application. All applicants will be treated equally and first round funding applications will not be considered or relevant.
Winners will receive a portion of the £200,000 fund (exact costs will vary per site). The upgraded connectivity will be in the form of a new full fibre gigabit capable infrastructure, which can support increased wifi capacity, more interactive content, and live streaming.
This scheme offers the chance for venues to boost their digital connectivity and, in turn, produce stronger bids to secure international events.
If there are venues in your area which could benefit from the funding, please share this announcement with them. Also attached is a graphic that you may like to use in social media posts/website stories of your own - if you do post, feel free to tag @DCMS.
Applicants can apply now using the Google application form. The competition will be open for four weeks and close at 11:59pm on 2 March 2021.
For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/broadband-competition-for-event-venues-round-two