05 Sep 2024

Invest NI hub in Dublin & Tourism NI Office launched to enhance all-Ireland connections

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has opened Invest Northern Ireland’s new hub and event space in Dublin – a strategic meeting space for Northern Ireland companies and stakeholders.

The Hub will also be the base for Tourism NI’s Dublin team which works to promote NI to the Republic of Ireland Market through their PR & Communications and Business Solutions Team.

John McGrillen, CEO of Tourism NI said: “The Republic of Ireland is a very important market for the Northern Ireland tourism industry. Visitor numbers from the South have increased four-fold since 2016 to over 1.3 million in 2023, directly contributing £267m to the NI tourism economy.”

“Dublin is also home to many of the major tour operators who bring our international visitors to the North as part of their visit to Ireland, spending an estimated £50m last year in contracting with many of our attractions, experience providers and accommodation providers.”

“This is business which we anticipate will grow significantly as overseas markets continue to recover post Covid”

“This new facility will provide us with a base to continue with the important work we do in Dublin and providing meeting space for NI tourism providers to showcase their products to their customers here in Dublin”     

Speaking at the launch, Economy Minister Conor Murphy emphasised the Hub's role in strengthening the partnerships between North and South: “The South is a first step export market for many local businesses. Invest NI has opened this Hub to provide companies with a space where they can conduct business and showcase their products and services. It will complement the work of Intertrade Ireland.

“The south is our largest export market with north–south sales of goods and services reaching £6.4 billion in 2022. This new hub will provide a soft-landing space so companies can boost north–south trade and foster all-Ireland partnerships in high-productivity sectors to strengthen our economy.”

Invest NI also has Hubs in London and Brussels.

For further information please go to: www.investni.com/northern-ireland-hub-dublin