28 Jan 2025

Muir announces fund to support Nature Recovery environmental projects

A new fund to support Nature Recovery environmental projects, the first of its kind, across Northern Ireland has been launched by Environment Minister Andrew Muir.

Councils and voluntary organisations can now apply for the Nature Recovery Challenge Fund Competition 2025/26 – 2027/28 which will offer a minimum grant award of £50,000.

This Challenge Fund grant competition is primarily CAPITAL funding for projects to deliver the key theme of Nature Recovery including Nature Recovery Networks, Species Recovery Networks and 30x30 Projects. Projects which support the conservation of Lough Neagh are particularly welcome to apply.

The maximum amount of Government funding available under the competition will be 80% of eligible project costs.

Launching the opening of the competition, Minister Muir said: “This funding is a great opportunity to support the work of local organisations who are passionate about improving the environment and delivering practical actions that will promote nature recovery. I am delighted to announce the opening of this competition fund which provides a great opportunity to support local not-for-profit organisations and councils to help deliver key environmental outcomes outlined in Northern Ireland's Environmental Improvement Plan and the Lough Neagh Action Plan.

“This funding will support projects that will significantly contribute towards our commitments to protect 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030. Projects will increase the area of wildlife habitat; protect and improve management of habitats, and create ‘nature networks’ which will enhance habitat connectivity and support higher species populations or greater species diversity.”

Further information, including eligibility, guidance notes and details of how you can apply for funding, can be found on the DAERA website at: Environment Fund 2023 - 2028. The closing date for applications is noon on 7 March 2025.