Part 5: Sustainable Drainage Systems
Part 5: Sustainable Drainage Systems
A Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) is a system designed to mimic the natural drainage of the land.

A well designed SuDS can:
- Reduce the risk offlooding by slowing down surface run-off
- Reduce the risk of sewer flooding during heavy rain
- Providing valuable habitats for wildlife in urban areas
- Act as green spaces for people in urban areas
SuDS can be implemented in various ways through use of designs such as:
- Permeable paving
- Swales
- Green roofs
- Rainwater harvesting
- Detention basins
- Ponds
- Wetlands
Implementing the steps outlined in this toolkit will get you well on your way to lowering the impact your business has on our precious water resource. Thirsty to learn more about water conservation and how your business can reduce your water footprint? As part of our Learner & Greener program, Tourism Northern Ireland have developed a workbook with lots of useful tools and templates to help get you started. Click the link here to get started.
Finally, if you would like to do more to help support our declining biodiversity. Here are some ideas. Consider organising a corporate volunteering event for your team with Live Here Love Here or Ulster Wildlife.
Maybe you would like to register your business with the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and show you commitment by taking some simple action to help reverse the decline of our pollinating insects.