Tourism NI Marketing Campaign 2024
Tourism NI's Spring Campaign will target consumers in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, encouraging visitors to plan and book a short break in Northern Ireland this Spring and Summer.
The campaign will launch in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland on Monday 22nd January 2024.
The campaign will include TV, Broadcast Video On Demand, Radio, Press, Social & Digital, Email, PR and Influencer activity to encourage visitors to choose Northern Ireland this Spring.
The campaign will showcase a broad range of attractions, experiences and events as well as ideas on where to stay. It will build knowledge of what Northern Ireland has to offer and deliver clear and compelling reasons to book a short break.
For more information about the campaign and how you can get involved check out our toolkit or download in full at the bottom of the page.
Spring 2024 Marketing Campaign Toolkit
Meet the Segments
Republic of Ireland
Active Maximisers
- Active Maximisers make up 33% of the Republic of Ireland market. They are the largest segment by volume and they take the highest number of breaks to Northern Ireland per annum.
- They’re the youngest segment but a significant proportion of them will have young children.
- They love a packed itinerary. They’re looking for a great destination and will plan around that. They want energetic experiences and unpredictability.
- They’re seeking night life and buzz - but also romantic destinations.
- Active Maximisers are very active on social media and love to share epic experiences on their own channels.
The majority of Active Maximisers are aged between 25-34 (28%) and 35-44 (26%). Their estimated spend is £871.
Open Minded Explorers
- Open Minded Explorers make up 15% of the Republic of Ireland market. They’re the second largest segment by volume and have medium to high intentions to visit Northern Ireland.
- They are interested in the natural environment and scenic attractions. They are motivated by culture and are seeking unique experiences.
- Good food is very important and highly motivating for Open Minded Explorers and they also want high quality accommodation.
- They’re an older segment and are concerned about their personal safety and health.
- Value for Money is very important for Open Minded Explorers.
Open Minded Explorers are older with an average age of 45-54. They’re more likely to be female, ABC1, with older kids. Their estimated spend is £925.
Indulgent Relaxers
- Indulgent Relaxers make up 11% of the Republic of Ireland market. They are relatively high spending with high intention to visit in the short term.
- They are the segment most likely to take a romantic break as their next break. Indulgent Relaxers are motivated by the opportunity to spend time with family or friends on short breaks.
- They prefer to stay in large comfortable hotels. They love to indulge themselves when on a short break.
- They really enjoy good food and music and are often interested in shopping opportunities while on a short break.
Indulgent Relaxers are 35-54 on average. They are relatively high spending with high intention to visit in the short-term. They are more likely to be female with children. Their estimated spend is £1013.
Northern Ireland
Aspiring Families
- Aspiring Families are the biggest segment in the domestic market. Comprising 30% of the Northern Ireland market, they are twice as big in volume terms as both the Natural Quality Seekers and the Social Instagrammers.
- They have a very strong family focus. Activities are very important including activities to suit children specifically as well as the whole family.
- They love to plan and do a lot of research.
- They are price sensitive and are seeking good value at every turn. They consider themselves bargain hunters but are not afraid to pay for quality if they think it’s worth it.
Aspiring Families are most likely to be aged 35-44 and have younger children aged under 16. They have an even social class split. Their estimated spend is £1,360.
Natural Quality Seekers
- Natural Quality Seekers make up 15% of the Northern Ireland market. With an average age of 55, short breaks are a very important part of their lives.
- The quality of accommodation is a very important consideration for Natural Quality Seekers.
- They love to plan and like to have clear itineraries.
- They are nature lovers and enjoy the outdoors, but their preference is for gentle activities. Sustainability is important for this segment.
Natural Quality Seekers are older, with an Average Age of 55. They are more likely to be male, ABC1, with older kids. Their estimated spend is £1,238.
Social Instagrammers
- The youngest segment and the least likely to have children, Social Instagrammers make up 15% of the Northern Ireland market.
- Short breaks are an important part of their life. They want to broaden their minds. They are buzz and atmosphere seekers. They love nightlife and great pubs.
- They’re more likely than other segments to find their accommodation on AirBnB, but getting a good deal and engaging in activities is more important to them than finding great accommodation.
- Connectivity is very important to Social Instagrammers. They are digital natives.
They are the youngest segment with 29% aged 18- 24 years and 26% aged 25-34 years. They are least likely to have children. They’re more likely to be female, with a slight C2DE bias. Their estimated spend is £1,006.
Social Media & Digital
Paid Search has been live in both markets since Boxing Day, targeting consumers who are already researching short breaks on the island of Ireland for 2024. This will be complemented by paid and organic activity on Facebook and Instagram.
We will have a growing focus on curating and sharing User Generated Content from recent visitors to Northern Ireland to inspire future waves of visitors.
We’ll be using Google Display Network to serve contextually relevant ads to consumers in both markets, supported by a comprehensive remarketing strategy.
We will continue to work with travel and lifestyle influencers to broaden the reach of the campaign beyond our own channels and to deepen our engagement with the Indulgent Relaxers, Active Maximisers, Aspiring Families and Social Instagrammers segments.
The campaign will be further supported by a programme of email marketing activity targeting 30,000 subscribers in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Social & Digital Contact:
Contact our social and digital team via our contact us form here.
PR & Publicity
Our PR teams in Belfast and Dublin will be delivering a programme of activity in support of the Spring Marketing Campaign.
Additionally, 'Always On' PR activity will continue as normal in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland with weekly content and features across print, online and broadcast.
Key areas of focus will include media FAM trips, industry profiling and activity that drives awareness of the Northern Ireland Experience Brand.
Have an interesting story or good news about your accommodation business, visitor attraction or experience? We want to hear from you.
Media have longer lead in times so make sure to get your information to us in a timely manner.
PR Contacts:
Contact our Destination PR and Marketing Team or Republic of Ireland team via our contact us form here.
Getting Involved
Supporting Content Assets
We’ve curated a suite of Campaign Photography, Video and Social Media assets that you can use on your own channels and in support of your marketing activity.
Social Media plays a big role in helping visitors discover new places, plan and share their Giant Adventures. We have created a suite of free, downloadable campaign social posts, frames, banners and more, that you can use on Facebook, Instagram and X.
And don’t forget to download the Northern Ireland Embrace a Giant Spirit brand mark for use across your marketing channels.
A selection of photography, video and social media assets can be downloaded from our Content Pool. Visit Northern Ireland‘s Content Pool and once registered, you can access a wide range of supporting materials.
Download our Content Calendar
We have worked in close partnership with stakeholders including the Local Councils to create a 12 month thematic Content Calendar which details the types of content that we will be publishing on our social media channels and website.
Download our Content Calendar now and create engaging content on your own channels aligned to these themes that we can curate and share.
Download our Awakening our Giant Spirit Brand Book
A key driver of our collective success over the last number of years has been how we have all worked together to achieve maximum impact in the marketplace.
As our marketing budgets come under significant pressures for a variety of reasons, it is more important than ever that we come together under the Embrace a Giant Spirit experience brand and align our messaging, timings and media channels.
Quite simply, when we work like this, we can have much more impact and be much more effective.
Download the Awakening our Giant Spirit Brand Book and find out more about unlocking Northern Ireland's Giant Spirit.
Create a Discover Northern Ireland listing
The Discover Northern Ireland website is the leading source of inspiration and information for visitors to Northern Ireland. In fact, nearly 4 million people used our website last year to plan or book a short break. It’s packed with practical advice, insidertips, guides, maps, and entertaining and informative blog posts to give visitors a flavour of what to expect on their next Giant Adventure.
Create a Free Listing
Whether you’re an accommodation provider, visitor attraction or experience, having a bookable listing on the Discover Northern Ireland website is a greatway to showcase your business to the thousands of people using thewebsite each day.
To Create a Free Listing:
- Visit the Tourism NI Website.
- Create an Account.
- Follow the steps to register your products.
Make your listing impactful
Once you have created a listing for your business, make sure that it is as impactful as possible. The best-performing listings are 300-350words.
Featuring engaging photography is a greatway to bring yourlisting to life. Always include your address, telephone numbers, URLs, price, and any other information you think is important for visitors.
Become Bookable
Tourism NI’s partnership with TXGB can help you to become bookable online for the first time or access additional routes to market.
Register for free to make your listing on the Discover Northern Ireland website bookable. You’ll pay a 2.5% Booking Fee to TXGB, but Tourism NI don’t charge any commission for sales through Discover NI.
Top 5 Things to Do Today
Top 5 things to do today
1. Create or update your Business Listing on the Discover Northern Ireland website.
2. Register with TXGB and make your Business Listing on the Discover Northern Ireland website bookable at 0% commission.
3. Download and use our Campaign Photography, Social Media Assets and Embrace a Giant Spirt brand book.
4. Don’t forget to tag us or use #MyGiantAdventure when posting on social media so we can amplify your content through our channels.
5. Register on and subscribe to our industry newsletter to hear about upcoming TED events and opportunities for support.
Download the Toolkit
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