- Events Industry Support in Northern Ireland
- Reimagining Events
- E-commerce for tourism events
- Content marketing for tourism events
- Sponsorship for tourism events
- Video marketing for tourism events
- Defining, diversifying & expanding your business product offering
- Culture & Heritage Experience Development
- Achieving 52-week revenue generation across seasons
- Building a destination through collaboration
- Getting your business listed on Discover Northern Ireland
- Gathering Feedback
- Creating video content for your tourism business
- Top tips: setting key performance indicators
- Developing tourism cluster groups
- How to use Instagram for your tourism business
- Which Facebook features can your tourism business avail of?
- Events Industry Support in Northern Ireland
- Reimagining Events
- E-commerce for tourism events
- Content marketing for tourism events
- Sponsorship for tourism events
- Video marketing for tourism events
- Defining, diversifying & expanding your business product offering
- Culture & Heritage Experience Development
- Achieving 52-week revenue generation across seasons
- Building a destination through collaboration
- Getting your business listed on Discover Northern Ireland
- Gathering Feedback
- Creating video content for your tourism business
- Top tips: setting key performance indicators
- Developing tourism cluster groups
- How to use Instagram for your tourism business
- Which Facebook features can your tourism business avail of?
E-commerce for tourism events
In this suite of E-Commerce for Events videos, we explore the importance of e-commerce and choosing the right platform for your company.

Whether it be a third-party platform, third party website integrations or your own custom-built platform, this will help you chose what best suits your event. We show you how to package events by upselling and cross selling as well as social sales and using social media to drive sales.
The topics are broken down into separate videos so you can dip in and out as time allows. Videos are between 4 and 7 minutes long.
Module 1: E-Commerce introduction
In this module we will explore the key elements that need to be developed to create a robust e-commerce strategy. This will include online selling platforms, simple SEO, and packaging and upselling events online.
Module 2: Implementing and managing e-commerce
In this session we look at implementing and managing e-commerce on your website. E-commerce accounts for one third of all retail, with a major shift to consumers expecting to be able to book and buy online. If this is a facility you have not offered in the past, allow us to explain in this module how you can develop this offer and make it work for you.
Module 3: Simple SEO
SEO should be part of any e-commerce strategy. Tt is a vital aspect of digital marketing and helps to create relevant and organic traffic to your website, which in turn can lead to more conversions to sales. We go through the elements to consider when programming your website to include SEO and drive consumers to your site.
Module 4: E-Commerce tips for selling online
In this module we look at tips for selling online and optimising your e-commerce efforts. We will advise you on tips to include optimising your SEO as well as understanding your unique selling point.
Module 5: Packaging Events - Upselling and cross selling
In this module we will talk about packaging your event for e-commerce, both upselling and cross selling. When selling your event it can be very effective to develop an audience package, which may include products and services you offer, third party products or linking with other events. This can attract new customers, expand your audience and upsell your event.